b'COOPERS ANNUAL REPORT 2023IBD Conference Coopers has long championed innovation,With themes of embracing the IBD Sections 70-year collaboration and research for the brewinghistory and innovating for a sustainable future, the industry. For many years, professional andconvention featured more than 60 presentations and technical development has been nurtured inworkshops as well as 34 exhibitors.conjunction with the Institute of Brewing and Distilling (IBD), through which numerous CoopersAmong the conference speakers were the Chair employees have obtained qualifications. of IBD Asia Pacific Mr Gary Faulkner and IBD President Ms Bhavya Mandanna, with Dr Tim Cooper As testament to this, Coopers was justifiably prouddelivering the brewing industry keynote address.to carry the mantle of Diamond Sponsor of the 37th IBD Asia Pacific convention. As the first face-to-face convention since it was last held in Wellington, New Zealand in 2018, Hosted at Adelaide Oval in March and attendedthe conference was an opportunity to reconnect by delegates from across the world, the conventionwith colleagues from around the world and share was chaired by Coopers brewer Dr Jon Meneses.knowledge on best practices and new technologies The four-day program featured a range ofwithin the industry.technical presentations, panels and workshops as well as offsite activities, including local pub visits,In total, more than 480 local, national and a gala dinner, a tour of Coopers maltings andinternational guests were in attendance, representing brewery, and a closing lunch at Sunnybrae Estate. 24 countries around Europe, North America and Asia.In addition to bringing together leading lights in the industry, it also marked the 70th anniversary ofJoining Dr Meneses and other industry leaders on the the Asia Pacific Sectionthe first overseas section2023 conventions organising committee were fellow of the IBD to be formed when it inaugurated inCoopers representatives Nick Sterenberg, Janie Adelaide in August 1953.Zimmermann, David Medlyn and Dr Doug Stewart.Adelaide last hosted the convention in 2002, andCoopers extends its congratulations to the this years event was an opportunity to showcaseorganising committee for staging this most the growth in the citys craft brewing and distillingworthwhile and successful event.industry since that time.11'