b'COOPERS ANNUAL REPORT 2023DrinkWiseGame one of the National Rugby League (NRL)campaign. Following a significant media launch State of Origin came to Adelaide this year. Tofeaturing renowned adolescent psychologist, Dr help remind passionate sporting fans aboutMichael Carr-Gregg and medical health expert Dr the importance of moderating their alcoholAndrew Rochford, the Its okay to say nay campaign consumption and always being respectful towardscontinues across Australia to keep reminding family, friends and everyone in the community,parents about the role they play in protecting DrinkWise joined forces with the South Australiantheir teenagers from the risks associated with Government, South Australia Police and some ofunderage drinking. Early evaluation suggests the the games heavyweights and arch-rivals to remindcampaign is having the intended impact, with 33% the community to Always respect, always DrinkWise.of parents who had intended to supply alcohol to To ensure a whole-of-community campaign,their underage teenagers indicating they would no DrinkWise also partnered with support services tolonger supply. emphasise the importance of people asking for help if they are having trouble managing their alcoholCoopers is proud to support DrinkWise and the consumption or if their behaviour or choices werework it does to bring government, industry, sporting impacting those around them.and community groups together to deliver practical campaigns and resources that help create a safer To reinforce the importance of parents notand healthier drinking culture for all Australians.supplying their underage teenagers with alcohol, DrinkWise developed the Its okay to say nay 49'