b'MarketingCOOPERS ANNUAL REPORT 2023TRADE ACTIVATION Coopers strong association with live music continued, with the brewery shouting more than 2000 fans to a live gig with Triple Js former Hottest 100 winner, Ocean Alley. Coopers worked alongside hospitality group Merivale to host the event at its flagship venue, ivy Sydney. A partnership between Coopers and the ALH hotel group saw the launch of the first joint national promotion, with a successful purchase-to-win campaign rolled out in all ALH venues serving Coopers on tap Australia-wide. Branded merchandise was included amongst the prizes.A continued focus on supporting mid-strength products served on mining sites across Queensland and Western Australia included a Mild Ale and Dry 3.5 can promotion in November and December.CREATIVE APPOINTMENTIn line with Coopers streamlined marketing approach towards always-on and seasonal campaigns, Special Australia was appointed as the brewerys new creative agency, charged with building brand position on tap, shelves, and in the hands of consumers across Australia.24'