b'COOPERS ANNUAL REPORT 2023 MaltingsFood and beverage manufacturers in South-East Asia and North Asia paid particular attention to Australia in seeking to shore up supply.In total, Coopers exported 36,800 tonnes of malt to its key markets, a 26% increase on the previous year, with existing customers in Korea, Singapore and Thailand accounting for the majority of international sales. More than 16,000 tonnes of raw barley was also exported to Singapore.Nationally, 20,600 tonnes were sold to domestic customers, and to meet Coopers own malt requirements.After successful trials, two new barley varieties wereSTRONGER introduced to production, while wheat malt, which Coopers began processing last year, has becomeINTERNATIONAL a regular product offering to Australian craft breweries and food manufacturers. DEMAND SAW SALES A strong start to the domestic growing seasonOF MALTED BARLEY has laid a positive foundation for the year ahead, pending future weather events. AND WHEAT RISE.37'