b'Foundation COOPERS ANNUAL REPORT 2023FOUNDATIONThe Coopers Foundation has now donatedIn December 2022, youth education charity more than $7.2 million to Australian charitiesOpening the Doors Foundation was selected since inception in 2006a milestone that couldto be the recipient of the Sustainable Giving not have been achieved without the generousgrant, and will receive $150,000 over the next support of staff, shareholders, corporatethree years. This organisation provides support partners and the public.to First Nations students to meet the costs of an education of their choosing. This year, the Foundation awarded $644,540 to 19 charities with recognised strengths in youthNeuroblastoma Australia and Prison Fellowship education, aged care, medical research andAustralia past recipients of the Sustainable Giving health care, and in fostering family and communitygrantwere also awarded the next instalments of support based on Christian values.funding and reported outstanding results from the projects that have been supported.THE COOPERS FOUNDATION HAS NOW DONATED MORE THAN $7.2 MILLION TO AUSTRALIAN CHARITIES SINCE INCEPTION.44'