b'DrinkWiseCOOPERS ANNUAL REPORT 2023DRINKWISEDrinkWise is an evidence-based not-for-profitTO REINFORCE THE organisation dedicated to changing the Australian drinking culture to one that is safer and healthier.IMPORTANCE OF PARENTS This year, Coopers was part of the DrinkWise andNOT SUPPLYING THEIR the Parliamentary Friends of Preventative and Public Health educational event at Parliament House inUNDERAGE TEENAGERS Canberra.The event provided a valuable platform to shareWITH ALCOHOL, DrinkWises research on consumer attitudes towardsDRINKWISE DEVELOPED zero and lower-strength products, and the work being done to encourage those Australians drinkingTHE ITS OKAY TO SAY at risky levels to consider zero and lower-strength options to reduce their overall alcohol consumption.NAY CAMPAIGN. It also provided an opportunity for Members of Parliament and other guests to sample some of the expanding zero and lower-strength beer, wine and spirits product range. Coopers Mild Ale, Dry 3.5, Light and Ultra-Light products were available and enjoyed on the night by attendees, demonstrating the brewerys ongoing commitment to evolving consumer trends.48'