b'Vale COOPERS ANNUAL REPORT 2023VALE We farewelled two fourth and two fifth generation shareholders this year. Gwen Cooper was the wife of former Chairman Maxwell Cooper who served the company for 49 years. During that time Gwen was a great support to Maxwell and a gracious representative of the family and the company. We thank Gwen for her service as well as her generous donations and support of the Coopers Foundation. Boronia Bennier, 93, was the middle child and youngest daughter of the brewerys inaugural Chairman John Cooper. Boronia was a loyal shareholder attending many company events and AGMs and also a supporter of the Foundation.Philip Cooper, brother of Chairman Glenn Cooper, passed away unexpectedly. Phil was the son of fourth generation Executive Director, Ken Cooper and was a great supporter of the Coopers V8 Supercar Sponsorships for many years.Jane Amos, ne Piper, daughter of Geoff Piper, was a fifth generation Cooper shareholder, related to the family by virtue of her great-great aunt Edna, sister in law to Samuel Cooper, who was married to Arthur Piper.38'