Coopers has adopted world-best practices in the areas of energy recovery, power generation, water usage, recycling and efficient operation.
Cogeneration plant
All Coopers’ electricity and steam requirements are drawn from a 4.4 megawatt (MW) natural gas-powered cogeneration plant located on site.
The plant, built in partnership with AGL, burns natural gas in a turbine to drive an electricity generator, and uses the waste heat to produce steam used in the brewing and malting process.
As a result, the plant achieves an energy use efficiency of 80%, which is approximately 2.5 times greater than a conventional power station. This has reduced carbon dioxide emissions by up to 15,000 tonnes per annum compared with a conventional power plant – the equivalent of taking an estimated 3,200 standard vehicles off the road for a year.
The cogeneration plant produces 12,000 megawatt hours (MWh) of power per year for the brewery and the maltings, while a further 13,000 MWh is fed into the South Australian power grid.
The plant also generates 50,000 tonnes of steam a year, used for heating in brewing and production processes, and for pre-heating in the maltings kiln.