b'C O O P E R S A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 2 2 C O O P E R S A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 2 2L & S O C I A L A I R P O R T ST A MI EI G D017 018D I ACoopersdigitalCoopers was the second most influentialAs domestic andThe refurbished Coopers Alehousebeer brand across social media against coreinternational tourismat Adelaide Airport opened in September, presence is expanding,competitors in the past year, rising fromwhile the Roll Inn at Sydney Airportwith more than 100,000seventh place in June 2021, as voted byreturned,Coopersalso welcomed travellers as bordersfollowers across allonline analytical platform Zavy. ensured the brand wasre-opened. The bars continue to offer aMore than 250 unique social media postsfront and centre forlarge range of Coopers products.social media platforms, and annual growth inwere published via Coopers ownedtravellers in targeted channels during the year. In addition,airport food and followers on FacebookCoopers enthusiasts contributed 4,200 and Instagram individual pieces of social contentbeverage experiences.championing the brand, with positive exceeding 10%. reactions triggered on social media.'