b'C O O P E R S A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 2 2 C O O P E R S A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 2 2021 A W A R D S 022Despite the impact of the pandemic onthe hospitality sector, the brewery was nonetheless proud to receive a number of medals and honours.GABS Young Achiever Coopers performed strongly in the GABSAwardsHottest 100 Aussie Beers competition,where more than 50,000 Australian drinkersCoopers apprentice Matthew Flint took out voted across 2,200 beer nominations. the Outstanding Apprentice Award in the 7NEWS Young Achiever Awards in May, in Coopers Original Pale Ale reached 11threcognition for his hard work and exceptional position, jumping 64 places from the 2020commitment. Matthew has been with the vote, and showed once again why its one brewery for four and a half years, working of Australias most loved beers. toward a dual qualification as a mechanical fitter and an electrician.Four Coopers beers were included in the top 50, and a further five placed in the top 200, making Coopers 2021 GABS results some of F E S T I VA L S T R I P L E M the strongest in its history. Longstanding partnerships continuedCoopers signed a deal to become theAustralianthroughout the arts community, which sawexclusive naming rights sponsor of Triple Ms Coopers throw its support behind Yours cricket broadcasting for the 2021/22 AshesInternational Beer and Owls Festival, Adelaide Fringe, Gluttony,seriesthe Coopers Mild Ale Triple M RocksAwardsGarden of Unearthly Delights and theCricket. This included brand exposure for Adelaide Festival.Coopers Mild Ale across radio, digital, andIn May 2022, the Australian International television during the stations summer ofBeer Awards saw Coopers take homeAmongst the most notable was thecricket coverage.continued association with the WOMAD14 medals, including four gold: Original Pale world music festival. The event celebrated Ale (pack and keg), Sparkling Ale (pack) a its 30th year in 2022. Coopers has been nd Coopers Dry (keg) which was judged best a proud beer sponsor of the internationallyin its class of Low Carb Lager.recognised festival since its inception.'