b'C O O P E R S A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 2 2 C O O P E R S A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 2 2O U N D A T I O Shareholders donated F N over $154,000, supporting two charitable causes, namely Salt Care for women in the 033 Shoalhaven area seeking034shelter from domestic violence, and Careworks, an organisation that teaches financial literacy.The Sustainable Giving Grants of $50,000 per annum are provided to three charities at any one time, paid over a three-year period. This year, Prison Fellowship AustraliasThe funds raised from Extraordinary Lives project was awarded thethe Foundation Golf Day grant from the community and family support sector, helping children of prisoners to thrive.were shared between This charity joins the Australian Literacy andOperation Flinders, Numeracy Foundation in the field of youthsupporting teens at education, and Neuroblastoma in the healthrisk through outback and medical research sector.mentoring programs,The thirteenth Foundation Golf Day wasand St Johns Youth again held at Kooyonga Golf Club in May, with 33 teams, of which eleven were holeServices, providing TheCoopersBreweryCoopers has committed to donating 1.5% sponsors. Following the game, golfers wereyoung people with of pre-tax profits to the Foundationinvited to a gala dinner, capping off the days Foundation distributed aInvestment Fund, resulting in $470,000accommodation options. fundraising of more than $158,000 from record annual amount ofbeing donated in June 2022. Volatilethe team and sponsor income, donations, more than $760,000 to 25investment markets saw the fund lose someand auctions. A highlight of the evening of its value at the end of the financial year duewas an informal Q&A with Coopers charitable projects, takingto its holdings in equities, but the long-termBoard Director Rob Chapman interviewing the total donated sinceoutlook for these investments is sound. Police Commissioner Grant Stevens on his inception to $6.574m,At June 2022, the Foundation had assets ofexperience as State Coordinator navigating $9.801m, the growth of which is expected toSouth Australia through the pandemic.benefitting more than 340help provide income for future Foundation charitable projects. custodians to continue the legacy of givingto charitable causes.The Foundation welcomed JasminBarry-Keen as its new Executive Officer The Coopers Brewery staff again generously in September, and we thank former officerdonated more than $70,000 over the Briony Neindorf for her four years ofcourse of the year, with the Warrior Woman dedicated service. Foundation and Teen Challenge supported in their name. The Warrior Woman project provides important mentoring and lifeskills education to young women leaving state care, while Teen Challenge offers a live-in rehabilitation program for young men suffering addiction issues.'