b'C O O P E R S A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 2 2 C O O P E R S A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 2 2Statistics released by the Australian InstituteAs a first step in applying of Health and Welfare revealed that mostthe research insights, Australians (57%) said their alcohol consumption did not change during the COVID-19 pandemic.DrinkWise partneredIn fact, many Australians drank less duringwith retailers to the pandemic (27%), and DrinkWise researchcommence a trial of 041 showed that lower-strength alcohol products042helped many cut back on their alcoholdedicated lower-strength consumption. However, 20% drank more,sections in selected underpinning the importance of providingstores, accompanied education around alcohol, and helping to ensureby in-store messaging.that, in times of stress or anxiety, people avoid turning to alcohol to alleviate their concerns. CoopersUltra Light was To support more people in making responsibleprominently displayedchoices, DrinkWise also developed campaignsas part of this trial.and initiatives, such as the cellar door Stay Tasteful While Tasting campaign, to helpThese initiatives showcase the proactive consumers better manage their alcohol intake.whole-of-community approach that The program was described by South AustralianDrinkWise takes to promoting moderation Premier Peter Malinauskas as bloody brilliantaround alcohol. Coopers is proud to support and by (then) Federal Health Minister Greg HuntDrinkWise and work alongside industry, as really smart and innovative. community and government to encourage DrinkWise has also been actively highlightinghealthier and safer decisions amongst the lower-strength alcohol options availablethe majority of Australians who choose to for consumers. DrinkWise commissionedconsume alcohol.independent research to explore Australian attitudes and behaviours towards zero, low- D R I N K W I S E and mid-strength alcohol products across age groups, genders and drinking settings. DrinkWise works as a not-for-profit organisation to bring about a healthier and safer drinking culture in Australia, through the provision of education and practical aids for responsible consumption of alcohol. DrinkWise delivers proactive, innovative and evidence-based campaigns and initiatives that inform and support consumers, and address alcohol harms and misuse.Coopershas been proud to support DrinkWise for over ten years.'