b'C O O P E R S A N P O R T 2 0 2 2 C O O P E R S A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 2 2CNOUOAPLE RRSE029 M A LT I N G S 030Coopersmaltings operated at a reduced capacityover the 2022 financial year, but still managed to process 50,000 tonnes for customers infood production and beverage manufacturing.Sales of malt to internationalCoopers commenced production ofmarkets increased slightly to wheat malt for the first time, in a targeted 29,000 tonnes, while the domesticdomestic push towards craft brewersmarket was down 43.3% followingand food manufacturers.the closure of a large domestic customer.CoopersownAfter a less than ideal start to the year,the 2021 growing season achieved anrequirement for malt was downabove-average crop for farmers and 5.3%, resulting in the malt outputproduced good-quality grain.from the maltings declining 8.1%for the year overall. Following trials in the previous year,Leabrook barley has become a mainstream Korea, Singapore and Thailand remainedvariety in production, a pleasing reflection Coopers biggest export markets for malted barley, although the global shippinggiven that the barley was allowed tocontainer shortage created logisticalbe named by Coopers. Two further barley challenges for international customers. varieties are undergoing trials for the potential substitution of Spartacus.Supply of raw cleaned barley for exportto global food producers increased significantly and accounted for some lost malted barley volumes.'